The domain name that you select is registered with a Domain Name Registrar who in turn registers it with ICANN, (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). As part of the registration process we will also include all pertinent information in the WHOIS database that is used to identify owners of each domain. Should you desire this information can be kept private.
As part of our registration service, we help you select an appropriate domain name, usually something like "". We check to make sure the domain name is not already in use. Since domain names must be unique there are times when someone else already owns your preferred name. When this occurs we will help you select another name that works for your business. We can also put a watch on the original name for you in case the current owner lets it expire.
Although we will manage your domain for you, you retain ownership of the domain and have full rights to it. We will also automatically renew your domain name for you annually.
Once your domain is registered and your Website design is completed, we will register your domain with the major search engines and, depending on the plan you select, with business directories in your field of business. We will also set up Email accounts as specified by you within your new domain.